SLIME is a LÖVE library for creating point-and-click adventure games.

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SLIME is a point-and-click adventure game library for LÖVE. It is inspired by the SLUDGE game engine.

The name is an acronym for "SLUDGE to LÖVE Inspired Mimicry Environment".

Status: In Development
Version: 0.1

  1. Features
  2. Thanks
  3. API Reference
    1. Notes and Terminology
    2. Stage setup
    3. Callbacks
    4. Reset
    5. Backgrounds
    6. Layers
    7. Actors
    8. Animations
    9. Hotspots
    10. Status
    11. Drawing
    12. Speech
    13. Bags
    14. Cursors
    15. Settings
  4. Code Snippets
  5. License



I want to thank these people for making use of their code:

Thank you!


This API reference lists the available functionality of SLIME. You should read the SLIME tutorial to see an example how these are used.

To use SLIME simply require:

slime = require ("slime")



Stage setup

To set up your stage for play you need to clear objects, load a background, set the floor, add any layers, actors and hotspots.

A basic stage setup might look like this:

function setupStage ()
    slime:reset ()
    slime:background ("background.png")
    slime:layer ("background.png", "layer.png", 50)
    slime:floor ("floor.png")
    addActors ()
    addHotspots ()
    slime.callback = myStageCallback

function myStageCallback (event, object)
    if (event == "moved") then
        if (object.name == "ego") then
            -- The "ego" actor reached her destination.
            -- object is an instance of the actor.
    if (event == "interact") then
        if (object.name == "spoon") then
            -- An actor or hotspot was interacted with (you called slime:interact (x, y))
            -- object is an instance of the actor or hotspot.


These SLIME callbacks trigger on certain game events.

func slime.callback (event, object)

This callback notifies you when an actor has moved, or the player interacts something.



The related actor or hotspot. When this is an actor from a "moved" event, you can access the x/y where the actor was told to move with:


These may be different than the actor's actual x and y if the floor does not allow walking to the position exactly. In these cases the actor will try to get as close as possible, but you still want the clicked position to call the interact (x, y) function.

func slime.inventoryChanged (bag)

This callback notifies you when a bag's content has changed. The name of the bag is passed.

func slime.animationLooped (actor, key, counter)

Called when an actor's animation loops.


This is the name of the actor whose animation has looped.


This is the key of the animation that looped.


This is the number of times the animation has looped.


func slime:reset ()

Clear the stage, actors and hotspots. Call this before setting up a new stage. Note that bags (inventories) are not cleared.


func slime:background (backgroundfilename, [, delay])

Add a background to the stage. delay sets how many milliseconds to display the background if multiple backgrounds are loaded, and may be omitted if only one background is set.

func slime:floor (floorfilename)

Set the floor where actors can walk. This is an image where black (#000) indicates non-walkable areas, and any other color for walkable.


Layers define areas of your background where actors can walk behind.

func slime:layer (background, mask, baseline)

Add a walk-behind layer. The background is where to cut the layer from. The mask defines where to cut.

The mask is an image with black (#000) where there is no layer, or any other colour to indicate the hide-behind layer.

The baseline is the y-position a character needs to be behind in order to be hidden by the layer.


Actors are items on your stage that may move or talk, like people, animals or robots. They can also be inanimate objects that may not move or talk but are animated, like doors, toasters and computers.

func slime:actor (name, x, y)

Adds an actor to the stage. The actor object is returned:

local boss = slime:actor ("Big Boss", 100, 100)
boss.speechcolor = {255, 0, 0}     -- Set the speech color for this actor as {red, green, blue}

func slime:removeActor (name)

Removes the actor named name

func actor:setImage (path)

Sets a static (non-animated) image as the actor's sprite.

property actor.nozbuffer

Set this property to true if this actor draws above all layers.

boss.nozbuffer = true


You define animations on actor objects.

func actor:tileset (path, {w, h})

Loads a tileset for the actor, and returns the object used to define animation frames. The size is the width and height of each frame.

local tileset = ego:tileset("ego.png", {w=12, h=12})

func {tileset}:define (key)

Defines a new animation on a tileset object. This returns the object used to define animation frames.

func {animation}:frames (frames)
func {animation}:delays (delays)

Sets the frames that make up an animation.

The format of the frames and delays follow the anim8 library convention. I recommend you go over there to read about the Frames format.

local tileset = ego:tileset("ego.png", {w=12, h=12})
local anim = tileset:define("walk south")
anim:frames({'1-5', 1)  -- frames 1 through 5 on the first row in the tileset
anim:delays(0.2)        -- 0.2 seconds delay for all frames

The animation object can chain calls for cleaner code:

local tileset = ego:tileset("ego.png", {w=12, h=12})
tileset:define("walk south"):frames({'1-5', 1):delays(0.2)
tileset:define("walk north"):frames({'6-9', 1):delays(0.2)

func {animation}:flip ()

You can mirror an animation:

-- create an east facing animation by flipping west facing frames
tileset:define("walk west"):frames({'10-15', 1):delays(0.2)
tileset:define("walk east"):frames({'10-15', 1):delays(0.2):flip()

func {animation}:sounds (sounds)

The sounds function takes an indexed table of sound sources, each sound plays when the corresponding frame position is drawn.

-- play step.wav when frame 1 shows. Occurs every animation loop.
tileset:define("walk west")
    :frames({'10-15', 1)
    :sounds( {[1] = "step.wav"} )

func {animation}:offset ({x, y})

The offset function takes {x, y} which displaces the drawing of frames. This is used in special cases when your actor has a certain animation with a different tileset size than it's normal frames. Switching to such an animtion makes the draw position jump since the center of the larger frames don't line up with the normal frames. Compensate for this variation with the offset.

func slime:animationDuration(actor, key)

Returns the duration of an animation in seconds. This value is the sum of all frame delays on an animation, and totals to one loop of the animation.

Special Animation Keys

Actor animations with these keys will automatically be used by the SLIME engine. The direction an actor faces can be south, west, east or north. The actions that are special are:

Here is a sample of combinations of actor animation names that are picked up by SLIME:

func slime:moveActor (name, x, y)

Move an actor. There has to be a valid floor set for movement to find a path.


slime:moveActor("ego", 90, 34)

func slime:moveActorTo (name, target)

Move an actor to another actor.

func slime:turnActor (name, direction)

Turns an Actor to face a direction, one of south, west, north or east.


func slime:hotspot (name, x, y, w, h)

Adds a hotspot to the stage.

func slime:interact (x, y)

Interacts with all objects at x, y. This triggers an "interact" event in slime.callback.

Returns true if there are any objects at that position.

func slime:getObjects (x, y)

Gets a table of objects under x/y, or nil if no object is found.


func slime:status (text)

Set or unset the status bar text.


func slime:update (dt)

Update animated backgrounds, actor movements and animations.

func slime:draw ([scale])

Draw the scene to the display. The scale parameter defaults to 1, and is only needed if you called love.graphics.scale before calling this function.


You can queue multiple speeches at once, the actor animation will change to "talk" and the words will print on screen.

func slime:say (name, words)

Make an actor say something.

func slime:someoneTalking()

Returns true if there is speech displaying.


Bags are analogous to inventory. The bags system is very simple yet flexible: Each bag has a name and can hold multiple items. In this way it supports inventory for multiple actors.

func slime:bagInsert (bag, object)

Inserts something into a bag.


local theSpoon = { ["name"] = "spoon" }
slime:bagInsert ("ego", theSpoon)

func slime:bagContents (bag)

Gets the contents of a bag as a table.

func slime:bagRemove (bag, name)

Removes an item (name) from a bag.

func slime:bagButton (name, image, x, y)

Add a hotspot with an image that draws on screen.


Chains give you a way to script actor movement and dialogue in sequence. If your main actor needs to walk to a tree, says something witty, walk down to a pond and then jump in, chains allow you to script this.

func slime:chain()

Creates and returns a new chain of events. Use this chain object to add the links to your chain. Links process in sequence, each waiting in turn until the one before it resolves.

func chain:image (actor, path)

Calls actor:setImage. Resolves immediately.

func chain:move (actor, position)

Calls slime:moveActor or slime:moveActorTo. Position may be a table of {x, y} or a string of another actor's name. Resolves when the given actor's movement path is emptied.

Also note that this fires the slime.callback event for "moved" as usual, that is to say, chained actions behave like the player performed them.

func chain:turn (actor, direction)

Calls slime:turnActor. Resolves immediately.

func chain:wait (duration)

Waits at this link for a duration of seconds.

func chain:anim (actor, key [,wait])

Calls slime:setAnimation. Resolves immediately.

If wait is given as true, then the chain will wait for the duration of one animation loop.

For example, this code:

chain:anim("ego", "throw dust")
chain:wait(slime:animationDuration("ego", "throw dust"))

gives the same result as this line:

chain:anim("ego", "throw dust", true)

func chain:floor (path)

Calls slime:floor. Resolves immediately.

func chain:func (func, params)

Calls the function func with the given parameters. Resolves immediately.

func chain:say (actor, words)

Calls slime:say. Resolves when the given actor is not busy speaking. If slime:skipSpeech is called while the actor is talking, then this link will be resolved.

func chain:sound (source)

Plays the given audio source. Resolves immediately.

Example Chain

local chain = slime:chain()
chain:move("ego", "light switch")
chain:anim("ego", "flip the switch")
chain:image("light", "light-on.png")
chain:sound(love.audio.newSource("sounds/switch.wav", "static"))
chain:say("ego", "Now I can see")


func slime:setCursor (name, image, scale, hotx, hoty)

Set a hardware cursor with scale applied.

When you set a cursor, the name is passed back as the event parameter to slime.callback. This makes it easy to check if the player is using a key on a door.

Call with no parameters to set the default cursor.


SLIME offers these settings to customize your game:

slime.settings["status position"] = 70      -- The Y position to print the built-in status text
slime.settings["status font"] = love.graphics.Font
slime.settings["speech position"] = 0       -- The Y position to print speech
slime.settings["speech font"] = love.graphics.Font


Flip the frames on a custom animation

The addAnimation call returns the Anim8 object which has flip functions:

local myanim = slime:addAnimation("ego", "dig", "images/ego.png", tileSize, tileSize, {"22-25", 1}, 0.2)
myanim:flipH()  -- flips horizontally
myanim:flipV()  -- flips vertically

One shot animations

To animate an actor once, like an opening door, hook into the Animation Looped callback:

function slime.animationLooped (actor, key, counter)

    -- Keep the door closed after the closing animation played.
    if actor == "door" and key == "closing" then
        slime:setAnimation ("door", "closed")


Of course this assume you have added a "door" actor with the "closing" and "closed" custom animations.


This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.